Tenerife, Canary Islands April 2018
Again today she smiled at me. For each date we have she does so very differently, but always with her unique, noble grace.
The early morning rapidly changes when her warming touch provides both ocean, sky and mountains with increasing colours and awe-inspiring light. Each time in yet another distinctive way.
I am back to the fresh, blue water and vast horizons that I admire so much, to the Ocean I will be spending most of my time the upcoming months. I am back to the amazing Atlantic.
For some few weeks, I am spending some exploration time on Tenerife, a special island with great variety, surrounded by the salty blue and an ever impressive marine life in various sizes and shapes.
From the big amounts of cetaceans navigating the waters off the island, to the much smaller coastal and shore based life.When, from a distance, observing a bigger group of playful bottlenose dolphins, I suddenly feel it is not only me observing, but that I am being observed too. And so the beautiful, blue coloured lizard gets my attention where he is watching me from his sand coloured stone.
Also underwater, the theme is beautiful and blue as the first creature I get to encounter is a flying gunard, a bottom-dwelling fish that normally walks on six legs. When this fish wants to get speed it glides over the sandy bottom with help of its colourful, fan-like pectoral fins.
Such brief yet sweet encounters compliment the daily life. Every moment is filled with so many details of various kind, all of them contributing to make this day special in its own exclusive way.While our most recent film "Winter Whales of Norway" is ready for TV-premiere and filmfestivals, we are just about to start up a new film project including the Atlantic and the interesting life of dolphins.
Meanwhile new Ocean adventures await, I am continuing appreciating the many daily details surrounding us. Look up on the big picture, sneak down on the tiny life, watch the horizon, observe the changing light throughout the day... Admire, get amazed :-)

The following morning, she once more smiles at me with her captivating dignity and charm... and I smile back, feeling her playful beams slowly heating up both stones and water.While my eyes reflects her increasing light, I feel very thankful for yet another unique and valuable day of my life that now is about to rise!